FinSurance and D.O.A. Policy
Here at FinAddictions we recognize issues in the industry regarding fish arriving D.O.A. (Dead On Arrival) and aim to change customers expectations. We know that every order placed represents trust in buying quality products that you can expect to arrive alive to your door.
Here at FinAddictions we offer an insurance program (FinSurance) to cover any 2nd attempt at shipping for whatever reason besides not being available at time of delivery (must report any D.O.A. within 2 hours of delivery time) for an additional 10% of purchase price of chosen on checkout. This service cannot be purchased after shipping is initiated. 2nd attempt shipping option will be up to us and either be overnight or 2 day air depending on weather and particular fish being shipped
Pictures of Fish
Are always of stock on hand or parents if selling F1s unless labeled. Keep in mind all fish are individuals and not all look the same. Feel free to reach out if interested in particular traits on a species you prefer. Also keep in mind most fish have the ability to change in color. Contributing factors would include (and ranked by my personal opinion) substrate color, an environment that matches the preference of the fish (planted, leaf litter, etc) and a high protein diet. Think dark substrate darker fish/ lighter substrate lighter colored fish in general. Heavily planted tanks can bring out some of the most beautiful colorations too so some prior research is highly recommend before purchase if looking for a more colored fish than seen in a picture. However, I do try!
DOA Policy
Nearly every shipment that isn’t held up by shipping delays or not being available at time of delivery are successful. However in the event of any fish arriving dead please read and understand the following. If any questions please contact us before purchasing.
Fish must be photographed and have video evidence available if needed. Once fish are determined dead on arrival we will refund the cost of fish. We also offer insurance to reship free of charge if insured and fish will be replaced based on current inventory. If fish are unavailable to reship cost of deceased fish will be refunded as well as shipping costs if insured.